Sorry for being so slack with posts recently, lots of stuff happening, sadly none of it film related! The whole family have been up to our noses in colds and flu, so if I've not been playing nursemaid to the sick masses,
I've been sick as a dog myself!
Anyway, here is whats going down soon;
Finally, some movement on this! It would appear that I'm going to be allowed to hijack one of Alien Stash Tin's upcoming rehearsals to hopefully get all of the band footage I need to complete the video. Frankly, I was beginning to wonder if this would ever come to fruition, it appears that now it actually will. I'm hoping that I'll be able to film them in one of their next three planned rehearsal slots - these take place every Monday evening, there are three Mondays before the end October, it could potentially be any one of them. I'll let you know as soon as I have confirmation of which one it will be. If I do get the footage I need then there is nothing to stop me finishing a initial edit of the video. Myself and Jon did discuss some additional footage, but its luxury stuff at this point, I want a finished video done by the end of November, I don't think I'm going to get time to shoot anything additional. Naturally, once the footage is in the can I'll do a big feature on the blog, hopefully with a bit more behind the scenes photos and footage.
The Podcast
Just to remind you, the Crash and Burn Movie Podcast is now living in its new home - www.crashandburnmoviepodcast.co.uk - myself and Jon completed episode 5 last week, head over there and check it out cos its a real belter.
Honourable Mention
My friends over at The Great Escape, a local collective of filmmakers, are about to launch a new web-series called Gabriel Cushing Verses the Zombie Vampires - it launches on the 13th of October, and you can check out the site and teaser trailer here.
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