About Me

My photo
Bristol, United Kingdom
Chronicle of an aspiring amateur filmmaker taking on the world!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The time in between...

Evening People,

I feel for comfortable describing readers of this blog as 'people' today because I've had a look at my visitor stats and I can officially declare that some 'people' - not an enormous amount, but some, have viewed it over the last few days!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Set Your Controls for the Heart of the Sun!


Not much to feedback today, but as you've probably guessed from the title of this post, I have conducted my test on my new 500W light.  I'm pleased to say that despite a few technical issues, the test was a success.  I thought I was heading for a loser when I opened the packaging and found that the bulb, still in its little box, had shaken loose from the housing of the bulb where its supposed to sit snug and safe until fitting.  And then to add further problems, when I open said little box the whole bulb slipped straight out and fell about two foot onto the living room carpet.  Still, it appears that these little muckers are more resilient than I gave them credit for, and here is the video evidence;

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Green Screens, Virtual Newsrooms And Other Stuff...

Hello again, third post in quick succession.  I think that after this one things will settle into a normal routine where I post something new as it occurs, currently though I'm still filling in on the background info!

Gettin' it all Together!

Hello again.  Welcome to post number 2 in my film making blog.

Before I get started properly, please note that I have now added my (very short) filmography to the blog.  As I complete each project I'll put in a link to either where it can be viewed or where you can find more info about the project, and I'll keep projects in progress up to date so you can see where I am with stuff.  Also, I've added a useful links box, I'll put in here any useful forums, communities or sites that I come across that assist with my filmmaking adventures!

And so, we begin...

Hey everyone (my first post, so I'd guess everyone equates to about zero right now!)

Anyway, I'm Jim and I'm presently embarking on an amateur adventure in the murky realm of extremely low budget, DIY filmmaking.  I don't have much of a web presence, never really felt the need for one, but I've decided to keep a document of how it goes, so if you keep reading this you might see me become a roaring success or crash and burn in failure.  The law of averages suggests that it will be somewhere in between, so lets hope its at least entertaining!